Alabama ABA

“All in all, 2020 was an unusual, but eventful, year for ALABA and 2021 is proving to be no less exciting so far.”
Paige McKerchar
The Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis (ALABA) serves as a scientific and professional organization that embraces the principles and practices of behavior analysis. Their goal is to promote research that will advance the understanding of behavior, and to identify and promote the use of effective and humane behavioral procedures that meet individuals’ educational and habilitative needs. In addition, ALABA strives to serve as a resource for political, legislative, and policy-making bodies in Alabama in ways that support the scientific and professional interests of behavior analysts.
One of the most important tasks ALABA’s Executive Committee takes on is hosting an annual convention offering workshops, keynote addresses, and paper presentations from behavior analysts across the nation as well as active researchers and practitioners within their state and region. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to hold the 2020 convention due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Also due to COVID-19, ALABA’s membership agreed to keep the same Executive Committee for an extra year because the Committee wasn’t able to carry out its typical duties. Jennifer Bruzek, past-president, is working with the Committee to plan this year’s convention scheduled for October 13-15. The goal is to have in-person events with some virtual components, if necessary. The president-elect, Sarah Richling, will present her presidential address at the convention. There are also several outstanding invited speakers lined up who will speak to the breadth of behavior analysis, which seems especially important with the globe’s everchanging landscape.
The past-president, president-elect, and other Executive Committee members including president, John Rapp; members-at-large, Mary-Kate Carey, Sarah Bedell, Makenzie Bayles, and Matthew Busick; and student representatives, Ashley Anderson and BreeAnna Dalton have been working hard to learn new ways they can provide meaningful benefits to ALABA members. They’ve added two resources that have been well-received by members: website advertising (discounted for members) and a new Practice Committee. The Practice Committee is designed to serve as a resource for helping practitioners implement best practices and protect their professional interests.
All in all, 2020 was an unusual, but eventful, year for ALABA and 2021 is proving to be no less exciting so far. The Executive Committee welcomed the opportunity to adapt to a new professional landscape, and they look forward to continuing to evolve to meet member’s needs.