Dissemination of Behavior Analysis

Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash
By John O’Neill
The Dissemination of Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group (DBA-SIG) held our annual meeting and social event at the 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) online. All attendees were invited to express their thoughts and suggestions in an open and inclusive discussion of our progress and future endeavors. In addition, officers met on a monthly basis and provided regular updates to our members through newsletters, town hall meetings, and social media. We provided 12 free monthly continuing education events to members that included a broad range of topics such as police academy training, autism and law enforcement, mixed martial arts and other sports, animal training, and international efforts. Our continued mission is to disseminate the science of human behavior to the public at large, through easily understood explanations. Our goal is to promote behavior analysis in a positive and accurate light, to help society realize the potential of our science.
The DBA SIG Grant contributed significantly to the creation and publication of one of the only open educational resource textbooks in behavior analysis. The volume is titled Special Topics in Behavior Analysis and includes 15 chapters, each discussing an area of application of the science of behavior. Authors include doctoral and master’s level clinicians from across the Midwest—each presenting their area of expertise as it relates to behavior analytic philosophy, practice, and future directions for additional research. The text became available during Summer 2021 through Pressbooks as a freely downloadable ebook and may be purchased for a small fee from the publisher. Individuals interested in accessing a copy may contact the editor at MPavone@Lindenwood.edu. The text is part of the Lindenwood University Verified Course Sequence in Behavior Analysis and is promoted on the VCS coordinator’s listserv to increase adoption in other graduate-level behavior analytic training programs. In addition, the text is licensed under the CCBY creative commons designation meaning that users may reuse, retain, revise, remix, and redistribute the resource; a wonderful way to break down barriers to dissemination, reach new audiences, and continue to allow experts to improve and expand the text over time.
As we look to the future, the DBA-SIG is excited to report the results and impact of all grant winning projects. We encourage all behavior analysts to engage in value-driven efforts to disseminate our science to new and emerging areas with a focus on personal, social, and cultural inclusion with acceptance. We envision a world in which behavioral science permeates the fabric of society and moves us toward a thorough understanding of behavior. We are committed to this end and to assisting others in their pursuit of this goal. Students ($15) and professionals ($20) who wish to join and participate in the DBA-SIG, can become members through our website (www.dbasig.com). Benefits include eligibility for dissemination grants, free monthly BACB ACE Provider events, and access to a vibrant community of advocates and resources.