Alabama ABA

Photo by Maja Klitgaard on Unsplash
By Paige McKerchar
The Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis (ALABA) serves as a scientific and professional organization that embraces the principles and practices of behavior analysis. Their goal is to promote research that will advance the understanding of behavior, and to identify and promote the use of effective and humane behavioral procedures that meet individuals’ educational and habilitative needs. In addition, ALABA strives to serve as a resource for political, legislative, and policy-making bodies in Alabama in ways that support the scientific and professional interests of behavior analysts.
This year, ALABA’s Executive Committee was grateful to get back to one of its most valued tasks—planning an annual convention. The convention is well attended by behavior analysts and students in Alabama, which allows ALABA the opportunity to share important information about the field from behavior analysts across the nation as well as from active researchers and practitioners within Alabama and the region. The 2021 convention was held online with presenters and audience members joining synchronously via Zoom. Although this format detracted somewhat from ALABA’s goal of facilitating networking, it still allowed professionals to earn continuing education credits in a high-quality learning environment. This year’s invited speakers included Claudia Drossel, Alan Poling, Joel Ringdahl, Thomas Waltz, Jomella Watson-Thompson, and Benjamin Witts; and Dr. Sarah Richling presented her Presidential Address titled, “The Ethical Behavioral Activist: Balancing Intellectual Humility with the Obligation to Act.”
Congratulations to ALABA’s new president-elect: Mary-Kate Carey, Members-a-Large: Lauren Elliott and Corina Jimenez-Gomez, and Student Representatives: Aqyana Reynolds and Joshua Soto. The 2022 Executive Committee also includes John Rapp, Jennifer Bruzek, Makenzie Bayles, and Matthew Busick. Please visit them online at for more information and to become a member.