Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash
By James T. Todd
Due to the resurgence of COVID-19 late in 2021, the annual convention of the Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan (BAAM) was cancelled. It would not have been possible to hold a credible and safe meeting under the circumstances. The only major BAAM event was changing our web hosting provider to a commercial service and making our previous “alternative” address,, into our main address. Expanded security requirements made it difficult for us to maintain the site on our own equipment.
BAAM plans hold an in-person convention on February 23-24, 2023, in the Student Center on the Easter Michigan University campus. BAAM intends to continue to offer a mix of basic, applied, and theoretical presentations and workshops. Online program submission and registration will again be available along with other new convention features. For more information, visit the BAAM website at