Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis

By Alan Harchik
BABAT is Massachusetts’ largest and longest-standing professional organization for behavior analysts. We celebrated our 42nd anniversary in 2021. We launched our updated website earlier this spring BABAT’s mission is to advance behavior analysis in Massachusetts and beyond through professional advocacy, organization of continuing education and networking opportunities, professional recognition, and providing needed supports to our membership. The BABAT conference, held annually in October, continues to be a central focus of the board.
At BABAT, we have worked to bring the best of this annual conference to our members all year long: learning from our ABA heroes, accessing professional resources we need to succeed in our jobs, reviving our passion, learning how to apply our science in the most ethical and meaningful ways, being part of something bigger than ourselves, advancing change, and connecting with each other.
Annual Conference
The chapter’s 43rd annual conference will be held October 12–14, 2022, at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA.
Other Activities
In March 2022, BABAT held a webinar “Trauma-Informed ABA” and in April 2022 held the annual BABAT Social. BABAT continues to recognize the activities of our members with the annual B. F. Skinner Foundation Student Research, BABAT Student, Jerry Shook Practitioner, and the BABAT Behavior Change for a Sustainable World Research Awards.
Membership has continued to grow and stands at over 2,000 active members. Almost 80% of members identified as practicing behavior analysts.
Social Media
BABAT has a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. These outlets share highlights and information regarding awards, upcoming events, and more.
The New England Behavior Analyst
The New England Behavior Analyst (NEBA) is BABAT’s quarterly newsletter, led by Dr. Candice Colón and her editorial committee: Dr. Nicole Groskruetz, Dr. Rachel Cavalari, Daria Yudina, Helena Whitlow, and Dr. Stephanie Nostin. This group works to bring cutting-edge content, directs the reader’s attention to important updates in the field, and speaks directly to Massachusetts Behavior Analysts. NEBA is changing to an improved e-news format that will reach our members more frequently.
BABAT Leadership
Stacie Bancroft continues her term as president of BABAT. The Board of Directors meets regularly as do our various committees. BABAT and our community benefit from the hard work of more than 25 committee members.