Delaware ABA

By Kaori Nepo
Delaware Association for Behavior Analysis was established in 2011. The purpose of the organization is to promote the science, understanding, and practice of behavior analysis through 1) encouraging cooperation among local behavior analytic organizations, 2) advising political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters pertaining to behavior analysis in the state of Delaware, 3) arranging an annual meeting to discuss aspects of behavior analysis, 4) maintaining a website containing information about the chapter and behavior analysis in Delaware and elsewhere, and 4) functioning as a contact for and an affiliate of ABAI.
Current executive officers of Delaware ABA consist of president, Kaori Nepo; vice president, Melissa Martin; treasurer, Shannon Kazmerick; secretary, Sarah D’Amico; membership director, Regan Root; and members at large, Diliana Henry and Nicole Gouge.
There are two categories for Delaware ABA membership:
- Full member: for individual holding a terminal degree in a discipline directly related to or involving behavior analysis, and whose full professional commitment includes teaching, research, and /or practice in behavior analysis (Licensed Behavior Analyst in any state, or certified as BCBA-D, BCBA, or BCaBA);
- Affiliate member: open to individuals with an interest or stake in the practice of behavior analysis. Affiliate members may include but are not limited to retired BCBAs, students who are enrolled in a training program, in behavior analysis, Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) or other Direct Care Staff, parents of children receiving ABA services, members of ABAI or APBA, or professionals involved in ABA services (e.g., administrative staff). Affiliate members do not have voting right and annual fee for them is $20.
In May 2022, the representative attended the chapter training at ABAI annual convention. Delaware ABA will also present a poster in Expo at ABAI annual convention.
In March 2022, the representatives attended the chapter and licensure meetings at APBA.
In November 2021, Delaware ABA hosted the first CE event series.
In May 2021, the representatives attended the chapter training at ABAI annual convention. Delaware ABA also presented a poster at the convention in order to promote the chapter.
In March 2021, the representatives attended the chapter meeting at APBA annual convention to learn the process of securing licensure in Delaware.
Activities for 2021–2022
- Delaware ABA held the first virtual CE event in November 2021.
- Delaware ABA updated the website to make the membership application process and conference registration easier.
- The committee continues to explore effective ways to promote behavior analysis as well as improve the quality of such services in Delaware
- The executive committee discussed the necessary steps to establish behavior analyst licensure in the state of Delaware.
- The executive committee also discussed the ways to increase the number of members through social media, conferences, and workshops
Plan for 2022-2023
Delaware ABA will continue to hold a few events to offer CEUs for members and to educate the general public regarding the science of behavior analysis. We held a second virtual CE event in April 2022. Additionally, we continue to gain knowledge and work on tasks to develop behavior analyst licensure in the state of Delaware through attending the meetings and workshops at the ABAI and APBA conventions.