Maryland ABA

By Carrie S. W. Borrero
The Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis (MABA) held its 24th Annual Meeting on December 3-4, 2021. Our conference is devoted to the dissemination of behavior analysis, both basic and applied, to our members from the Mid-Atlantic area. This year we were able to hold our conference in person! We were fortunate to have solid attendance. We welcomed workshops presented by Tyra Sellers (BACB) and Anibal Gutierrez, Jr. (University of Miami). Our conference included presentations from Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi (ULEZI, LLC), Anna Pétursdóttir (Texas Christian University), Manish Vaidya (University of North Texas), Lindsay Mehrkam (Monmouth University), Jeanne Donaldson (Louisiana State University), and Bill Ahearn (New England Center for Children).
We had an expo and poster session for sponsors and poster presentations. Poster presenters included staff and students from organizations such as, UMBC, Kennedy Krieger Institute, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. We would like to thank our sponsors for continuing to support the efforts of MABA.
At the conclusion of the conference, Alison Kozlowski (Kennedy Krieger Institute) stepped down as president, Tamara Marder (Johns Hopkins University) assumed the office of president, and Aila Dommestrup (Kennedy Krieger Institute) was elected president-elect. Anlara McKenzie was elected member-at-large. We would like to thank our executive committee for their time and dedication.
Plans are currently underway for the 25th Annual Meeting, to be held December 1–2, 2022, in Baltimore. For more information about our upcoming conference, please go to