Ohio ABA

By Jennifer Sweeney
Mission and Objective
The mission of the Ohio Association for Behavior Analysis (OHABA) is to support the growth and dissemination of applied behavior analysis in the public and private sectors, with special emphasis on application in educational settings. Objectives include providing professional development via a yearly conference; supporting the certification of BCBAs, especially in Ohio; and providing an informational website to support behavior analysis in businesses, schools, and clinics. The website will also provide up-to-date information from legislative agencies and advocacy groups related to the practice of behavior analysis in Ohio.
2021 Highlights
The 2021 Conference was held on February 26–27 virtually hosted by BehaviorLive. The 2021 conference was OHABA’s 11th annual conference with approximately 253 attendees. Due to COVID, the Board hosted one in person board meeting in July of 2021 and all other meetings were held virtually. The Board created monthly virtual events, (Coffee Chat & Thirsty Thursday) to bring our members together to discuss topics and issues related to behavior analysis. In total, OHABA offered 16 CEUs to our members. Executive members meet on a monthly basis in addition to our meetings with the full board (collaboration meetings and quarterly board meetings). We hired a lobbyist to advocate for BCBAs to be recognized on the telehealth bill.