ABA Australia

By Alexandra Brown
ABA Australia continues to grow and develop. Our membership base has increased to over 300, which is wonderful to see amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2021, for the first time ever, we offered a virtual conference. This went extremely well, although we are looking forward to a face-to-face conference in July 2022. For our upcoming conference in Sydney, we will be running pre-conference workshops and having up to six streams of presentations. Having multiple streams is a first for us! We are also looking forward to the social networking that we have missed over the past two years.
As always, our various committees have continued to work toward increased recognition of behaviour analytic services and BCBAs; however, our priorities have now shifted toward the development of an Australian Regulatory Board. We hope that this will be rolled out mid-2022. As a result of this huge change, we have hired our first paid employee. This has been an incredible help for our tireless volunteers.
ABA Australia had a poster at ABAIs second Virtual Expo in May 2022. As always, ABAIs support for international chapters at the Affiliate Chapter Training was also very much appreciated by our attending board members.
As we look forward to the next year, we will continue to work toward our ever-growing goals, with enthusiasm.