Hong Kong ABA

By Jeremy H. Greenberg
The Hong Kong Association for Behavior Analysis (HKABA) has maintained a low level of activity throughout the pandemic. Membership has suffered and the basic activities of the group have been minimal as well. We do, however, maintain our website and Facebook page with 275 likes/followers. Due to Hong Kong’s 2–3-week mandatory quarantine upon return to the city for all persons entering the city, travel outside to conferences has been prohibitive.
Most members work in the area of special education and those services, we are happy to report have been maintained. Early in the pandemic we recognized the need for our services to continue status quo and that is what we have done. Many practitioners have never taken a day off over the last 1–2 years! There is an ethical responsibility and duty of care that behavior analysts across our region seem to hold in high regard. Families of children with special education needs have been immensely grateful for the continuation of services, even when the local and most international schools here are closed.
We look forward to the development of online CEU workshop opportunities, research, and travel abroad to professional conferences in the coming year.