Polish Society for Behavioral Psychology

By Bartlomiej J. Swebodzinski

During 2021, Society continuously worked on development of Polish certification system (license) for behavior analysts. Polish certification system was created and introduced in 2010 together with partner organization Polish Society for Behavioral Therapy (www.terapeutabehawioralny.pl). Its aim was to improve the quality of work of behavior analysts in Poland by establishing professional standards of good work and proper conduct for behavioral analysts. Two members of PSBP participate on regular basis in meetings of the executive committee of the system. The main responsibilities are:

  • evaluating applications of candidates to the title of behavioral analyst according to standards of Polish certification system,
  • developing standards for training programs and evaluating new training courses proposed by supervisors within the system,
  • answering on-going questions concerning certification system and providing consistent interpretation of its rules,
  • propagating knowledge about certification system and behavioral therapy in Poland as well.

Work is currently underway on changes to the Polish licensing system in the context of the termination of certification of behavior analysts from outside the US and Canada by the BCBA.

Currently, work is underway on the Polish translation of B. F. Skinner’s book, Science and Human Behavior. The scientific editing is done by the president of the association, Przemysław Bąbel.

In 2022, a Polish translation of the book by B.F. Skinner’s Science and Human Behavior. Talks have also started with the Polish Association of Behavioral Therapy on the organization of a special behavioral convention due to the 20 years of activity of both associations.

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