Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association

By Tricia Clement
Mission and History
The mission of the Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association (LaBAA) is to promote ABAI’s mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis (BA) through research, education, and practice, and to promote access to responsible BA services by professionals sufficiently trained in the discipline of BA and compliance with relevant ethics standards. LaBAA was established in April of 2012 as a 501c(4) and became an ABAI affiliate state chapter in the fall of 2012. LaBAA is also an Affiliate of APBA and a BACB ace provider. LaBAA serves as a scientific, professional, and networking group for its members. LaBAA also promotes access to behavior analysis services in the state of Louisiana.
LaBAA is governed by an Executive Committee comprised of a president, past president, president-elect, treasurer, and secretary. 2022–2023 officers are: Tricia Clement, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA, president; Megan Matherne Perkins, MA, BCBA, LBA, treasurer; Tara Williamson, MA, BCBA, LBA, secretary; and Scott Williamson, MA, BCBA, LBA, past president. The LaBAA Board of Directors is comprised of regional representatives from across the state, a parent representative and a student representative. 2022–2023 regional representatives are Chad Favre, BCBA, LBA; Jenny Cronier, BCBA, LBA; Kate Jenkins, BCBA, LBA; Danica Savoie, BCBA, LBA; and Danielle Bratton, BCBA, LBA. Loretta Bateman is the student representative and Sara McCumsey is the parent representative. The legislative chair is Grant Gautreaux, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA. Elections for all officers and representatives are conducted in May/June every other year.
There are three classes of membership:
Full, Affiliate, and Student.
Benefits of Full Affiliate Membership
Professional representation:
LaBAA is committed to protecting the interests of LaBAA BCBAs in the Louisiana state legislature.
Consumer/affiliate representation:
LaBAA is committed to protecting the interests of consumers of ABA.
The right of Full Members to vote in all matters brought before LaBAA
The option for Full and Affiliate Members to post employment opportunities on the LaBAA website.
Professional, advocacy, and networking opportunities for all levels of membership.
Benefits of Student Membership
Opportunities to network with other students and professionals in the field.
Opportunities to assist with
planning and hosting of annual LaBAA conference.
Opportunities to serve on LaBAA committees.
LaBAA currently has 92 members.
2022 Conference:
LaBAA hosted the 2022 Gulf Coast ABA Conference online in the fall of 2022. The conference was chaired by Dr. Rebecca Mandal-Blasio and presented online. Presenters included Dr. Peter Gerhardt, Dr. Shanna Bahry, Dr. Janet Twyman, Dr. Noor Syed, Dr. Sarah Lechago, Dr. Jamie Hughes-Like, and Dan Unumb, Esq.
Other Activities and Initiatives:
DEI Activities. LaBAA members have been participating in regularly scheduled meetings with Dr. Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi and other chapter leaders to facilitate discussions about relevant DEI issues and topics in the field of behavior analysis. During these meetings each organization is able to discuss ways that support the desire to incorporate DEI (human dignity) values into the organization’s structure and mission.
2023 Conference
LaBAA is planning their first return to an in-person conference since the fall of 2019. Conference co-chairs are Katie Jenkins and Janice Huber. The Gulf Coast ABA Conference will be held October 6-7, 2023, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Conference highlights include a keynote and invited presenters, a workshop, poster session, student poster competition, and will provide a venue for local and regional behavior analysts researchers to share their research. To learn more about LaBAA and the conference, visit: www.labaa.net.
Louisiana Coalition for Access to Autism Services (LCASS):
LaBAA has partnered with LCAAS to secure professional legislative services. As the state of behavior analysis continues to take shape within Louisiana, LaBAA has been very active in ensuring that the development and growth of behavior analysis remains beneficial to further developing the science of behavior analysis, the practice of behavior analysts, the mentoring of students of behavior analysis, and most importantly advocating for consumers of behavior analytic services. In addition, the coalition has worked with LaBAA to educate the public and raise awareness about the science of behavior, ABA services, and legislative advocacy. Recent initiatives included protect funding for critical services for some of Louisiana’s most vulnerable individuals as well as expanded services to underserved patients.