Gambling SIG

By GSIG Officers
The Gambling Special Interest Group (GSIG) is a home base for behaviorists interested in gambling research and treatment. Our mission is to foster the growth of gambling research in behavior analysis through collaborative research efforts, the coordination of researchers and ideas, and the sharing of resources for the mutual benefit of the field, its adherents, and those who are impacted by such endeavors. We invite interested parties to join the GSIG for free; whether your interest relates to research, treatment, policy, all the above, or more broadly about risk and choice, we bet you will find the GSIG resources and literature on the behavioral analysis of gambling rewarding. Our website ( is where prospective members can get information about the GSIG and join our group. The website also houses research software. Each program represents hours of work or finances staked by a behavioral researcher, and each program is completely free to our members. Our members are in the process of updating our software and plan to have new software on GitHub. Persons interested in gambling should also visit Analysis of Gambling Behavior at for a journal devoted to behavioral research. The GSIG has had a long relationship with Analysis of Gambling Behavior, as many GSIG members have supported the journal in various roles over the years. Last year we collaborated with the journal to get the back issues online, from the first issue to the present.