Sociedad Mexicana de Analisis de la Conducta

By Rosalinda Arroyo
During October 2022, our society held, for the first time in its history, its annual Convention in the city of Oaxaca, which, in addition to providing the opportunity for the society to enter into a collaboration agreement with the local and only public state university, allowed behavior analysis to be brought closer to a part of our country which historically hasn’t had the opportunity.
Our XXXI Convention took place from 26 to 28 of October and included 10 guest speakers and 203 papers presented (symposia and poster sessions) and we had more than 350 people register.
During this Convention, to recognize and honor those who have dedicated their academic lives to behavioral science, the society granted the Trajectory Awards to Dr. Laura Acuña and Dr. Daniel Gómez-Fuentes. Likewise, as a promotion strategy for new behavior analysts, we held the 4th National Contest for the best undergraduate and postgraduate Theses in behavior analysis, with Daniel Gaistardo and Jamne Dávila being awarded, respectively.
Given the diversity and breadth of our country, starting this year a new strategy was implemented to promote collaboration among members of our society. Mainly, the creation of regional networks, and establishing a commissioner for each of them, so it is expected that for our next meeting, new joint collaborations will
be presented.
Additionally, we had the first meeting of the Women’s Special Group in Behavior Analysis (WSGBA), this group has as its main goal the promotion, development, and dissemination of the knowledge and research carried out by Mexican women in behavior analysis as well as to highlight the role and leadership of women and serving as a link between young female students and recognized female practitioners with a data-driven perspective, for that enterprise in this year we will launch a Facebook page (@GEMAC in Spanish) and a website.
The Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (MJBA), which is edited by this Society, welcomed our new editor for the English language, Dr. Cristiano Valerio dos Santos, and the General Editor, Dr. Carlos Flores presented a new web page for the journal which could be consulted in
Finally, we are glad to announce that our next Convention will be held from 18 to 20 of October in Hermosillo, Sonora. More information about it will be available in our web page