
By Erin Gluckie

The Alberta Association for Behaviour Analysis (AltaABA) is in its eighth year as an affiliated chapter of ABAI. In March 2024 nominations for open Board member positions were put forth. These positions included the Student member, President-Elect, Public Relations Officer and Secretary.
The 2024 AGM was held virtually on April 27th. Following the AGM two notable Canadian BCBAs, Dr. Pat Mirenda and Richard Stock, presented on ethically managing controversies regarding the field of ABA. The current total number of active BACB certificants in Alberta decreased by 1 certificant this past year, to a current total of 2 BCBA-Ds, 67 BCBAs, 0 BCaBAs, and 7 RBTs province-wide. Overall, the province saw a decrease in BCaBA’s and RBT’s, and a slight increase in BCBAs.

AltaABA created our second 3-year Strategic Plan which was released in April 2024 to the membership. This new plan has three long-term goal sections that consist of seven short term actions. As the AltaABA board continues to struggle with new board members and overall engagement from the Alberta membership, the board decided to streamline efforts and focus on the top priorities for the next three years: creating a positive public image and perception of ABA in Alberta, resource and technology expansion, and enriching member benefits.

This past year the board also became an ACE provider to help its membership receive CEUs from AltaABA events. This was a huge milestone for our board, and is intended to help with low attendance at annual events. The board intends to provide as many CEU events as possible to help increase engagement and secure future board members for the province.

For further information, to view AltaABA’s Strategic Plan, or to join the chapter, please visit: or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

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