Public Awareness Grant Recipient: Emily Gregori
Emily Gregori, PhD, BCBA, is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Dr. Gregori’s research focuses on improving behavioral outcomes for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities through (a) the identification of evidence-based practices and (b) training natural intervention agents to implement behaviorally-based interventions. To date, Dr. Gregori has published over 40 manuscripts related to her areas of research inquiry. With support from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis, Dr. Gregori’s next research project will address building capacity within Chicago’s Archdiocese to support students with disabilities. Project SOAR (Supporting teachers with Online modules in Chicago’s Archdiocese) will develop an online, module based professional development program for teachers in Chicago’s Archdiocese to learn to implement behaviorally based interventions. In addition to developing and testing the online module system, Dr. Gregori will investigate the effects of coaching on teacher implementation of behaviorally-based interventions in classroom settings. This project will allow Dr. Gregori to disseminate critical behavior analytic content to teachers who historically have had limited training and professional development in behavior analysis.