SABA International Development Grant Recipient: Rodrigo Benavides and Brissa Guitierrez

International Brissa

In most Spanish speaking countries psychology-related knowledge and broadcast media tends to focus on common sense and non-empirically driven explanations of behavior. Most of this content even permeates psychology programs, which are usually devoid of behavior analytical content.

Fascinante Podcast is a non-profit science communication project that targets Spanish speaking bachelor students to raise awareness on behavior analysis as a natural science approach to understanding behavior. Its main objective is to disseminate behavior analysis from a less technical approach than what is usually employed in academic literature, as to allow contact with individuals without previous knowledge in behavioral science. The podcast covers a wide variety of topics that range from theoretical-conceptual analysis regarding learning and motivation to more practical issues like procrastination or healthy habits. It also tries to discuss socially relevant topics such as sexism, racism, and public policies from a behavioral analytical approach.

All episodes are factually informed by scientific literature and presented in a friendly manner without losing contact with the precision that distinguishes behavior analysis as a science. Currently the podcast is published exclusively in audio format. The funds awarded by SABA will be used by Rodrigo Benavides and Brissa Guitierrez to upgrade the project’s visibility by adding high quality audio and video. This will allow the project to extend its reaches to different social media platforms, which would imply a greater community to be interested in behavior analytical explanations in the Spanish-speaking landscape.

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