
By Lindsey Brady

The Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis (TABA) was established in 1997 and continues to concentrate on providing quality continuing education opportunities to behavior analysts across the state, supporting various state ABA programs, and ensuring the availability of applied behavior analysis services throughout all three regions. TABA has shifted to providing continuing education units both in-person and online since the COVID-19 pandemic ensuring members can access not only the conference but the regional meetings without risking their safety. During the 2023, conference we were again able to provide a hybrid conference which allowed for attendees to choose their desired attendance modality and offered post conference access to all CEUs, not only those they chose to attend during the conference.

Currently, TABA has over 400 members. In addition to the annual state conference, there are three regional meetings to ensure all members can access their three free CEUs and the discount for the conference. The annual conference is typically held in Nashville providing a central forum to discuss all aspects of applied behavior analysis: researching, planning, and delivering services. While the conference addresses the needs of behavior analysts across the state, the regional meetings allow for those needs of local behavior analysts to be discussed. Some meetings were conducted in-person while others were conducted virtually.

The 26th Annual Conference was again a hybrid conference using the BehaviorLive platform on November 9th and 10th. During this conference, approximately 461 behavior analysts attended to hear the following qualified invited speakers: Dr. Holly Gover, Dr. Nicole Hollins and Dr. Jonathan Tarbox. Ms. Ruby Mannankara-Cabrera was a noted speaker as well. Dr. Tarbox focused his presentations on ABA practitioners providing traumainformed care. Dr. Hollins discussed the current status of ABA Equality-Focused Research in Schools. She also presented a guide for practitioners focused on toilet training. Dr. Grover discussed addressing food selectivity by extending the intervention to additional settings and populations. She also discussed promoting assent and choice when addressing food selectivity. Ms. Mannankara-Cabrera provided two presentations concerning cultural competency. She addressed components of cultural responsiveness and the current state of ulturally responsive care in ABA.

Our Executive Committee is made up of the following individuals: Lauren Weaver as President, Nea Houchins-Juarez as Past-President, Stephanie Marshall as President-Elect, Haley Kelso as West TN Regional Representative, Amber Groat, as Middle TN Regional Representative, Amy Jo Schamens as East TN Regional Representative, Scott Gerrell as West TN Student Representative, Eseoghene Oderhohwo as Middle TN Student Representative, and Jennifer Holder as East TN Student Representative. Our committee chairs include Michelle Hopton, Zachary Stevens, and Mollie Todt (co-chairs, Continuing Education), Erin Szarka (Publications), Ashton Fisher (Social Media), Clinton Smith and James Meindl (Professional Standards), and Zachary Stevens (Membership), Pablo Juarez and James Meindl (Public Policy Committee co-chairs). Lindsey Brady continues as the Director of Operations. Collectively, this group is dedicated to providing its members with the continuing education needed to provide quality services in TN.

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