Speach Path2

By Nikia Dower

The mission of the Speech Pathology Applied Behavior Analysis (SPABA) SIG is dedicated to fostering the advancement and dissemination of empirically supported research and interprofessional practice-based interventions in the intersecting fields of speech-language pathology and applied behavior analysis. Furthermore, SPABA is committed to advocating for the application of evidencebased practices across the spectrum of services offered by speech-language pathologists and behavior analysts. Lastly, SPABA strives to bridge the gap between research and practice through educational initiatives, training opportunities, and mentorship.

SPABA SIG is grateful for the ongoing support and guidance of the founder of the SIG and former chair, Barb Esch. We would also like to thank our current Board of Directors: Nikia Dower (President), Lina Slim (President-Elect), Tracie Lindblad (Secretary), Lilith Reuter-Yuill (Treasurer), Heather Forbes (Treasurer-Elect), Sophie Millon and Janine Shapiro (Event and Continuing Education Committee Chairs), Tamara Kasper (Communications Committee Chair), Sari Risen (Membership Committee Chair), and Deirdre Muldoon (Awards Committee Chair).

World-Wide SLP-BCBA and SLP-BCaBA
We are delighted to share that the number of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) who hold Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) credentials has reached 525 globally. Our presence spans across 43 states in the United States, including Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and extends to 19 countries worldwide. Furthermore, we are committed to offering and upholding an online database featuring practitioners dually certified as SLPs and BCBAs/BCaBAs from various corners of the globe. Explore the database here: www.behavioralspeech.com/findan-slpbcba.html.

In the 2023 membership cycle, we saw a rise in paid membership to 71, including 46 dual credentialed individuals and 6 student members. SPABA SIG remains committed to providing extensive access to SIG information and fostering interaction through social media channels. Considering both formal members and participants in the SPABA SIG Facebook group, we are thrilled to announce a total of 9,814 members, marking an increase of 304 from our previous report. The SPABA SIG Facebook group has proven instrumental in facilitating member connections, allowing for the swift exchange of relevant information. Since opening the group to all interested individuals, regardless of SIG paid membership, we have observed a steady uptick in interest year after year.

Membership fees and donations serve as direct funding for our annual grant competition. Over the past seven years, our approach of requesting a nominal membership fee along with a donation has yielded mixed results. For 2023, 23% of our members donated additional funds to the SIG above and beyond the membership fee. Since 2020, we have dedicated significant efforts to enhance our membership drive and express our appreciation publicly on social media platforms whenever a member signs up and contributes.

Annual Grants
SPABA is proud to offer three annual grants, each valued at $500: the Giri Hegde Empirical Research Grant, the Barb Esch Application Grant, and the Nikia Dower Dissemination Grant. These grants are open to students and practicing clinicians who are engaged in empirical research or advocacy efforts to promote behavior analysis within the speech-language pathology (SLP) community. Research projects supported by these grants contribute to the evidence base for behavior-analytic approaches to treating speech, language, communication, and feeding disorders. Application projects focus on the effective application of behavior analysis principles by SLPs, which may include research studies enhancing the understanding of ABA or aligning with SPABA’s mission. Dissemination projects aim to share accurate information about speech pathology and behavior analysis across disciplines. We are excited to note that several previous grant recipients have seen their research published, underscoring the impact of these grants in advancing knowledge and practice in the field. SPABA SIG’s 2023 grant recipients presented their research virtually in October 2023. Ph.D. student, Jessica Tran, MS, BCBA received the 2023 SPABA Giri Hegde Research Grant. The project was titled “Comparison of Mand Acquisition and Preference in Children with Autism who Exhibit Problem Behavior.”Her advisor is Dr. Cynthia Livingston at the Munroe-Meyer Institute | University of Nebraska Medical Center. SLP Graduate student, Grace Lafo for receiving the 2023 SPABA Nikia Dower Dissemination Grant. The project was titled “Assessment of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Her advisor is Dr. Lesley Shawler Ph.D. BCBA at Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. Brittany Loder, BCBA for receiving the 2023 SPABA Barbara Esch Application Grant. The project was titled “Response Restriction: A Path Toward Ensuring No Individual is Left Without Communication.” Her advisor is Dr. Amanda Zangrillo, PsyD, BCBA-D at the Munroe-Meyer Institute | University of Nebraska Medical Center. The recipients of the SPABA SIG’s 2024 grants will be showcasing their projects virtually in October 2024. The application window for the 2024 grants closed on July 15, 2024. Each calendar year, both student members and practitioners can access the latest information regarding grant proposal submissions for the ongoing year on our website, www.behavioralspeech.com.

Dual Credentialed Individuals’ Activities Throughout 2023, dual credentialed individuals remained actively engaged in a variety of endeavors, spanning research, information dissemination, and the application of behavior analysis principles to address speech, language, feeding, and communication disorders in individuals of all ages. These efforts included publishing scholarly articles, publishing chapters in speech-language textbooks and behavior-analytic textbooks, conducting webinars, hosting and/or participating in podcasts, speaking at professional conventions, presenting posters at conferences, and mentoring students in the fields of ABA and speech pathology. While most activities occurred in North America, several also took place internationally, thus aligning with the SIG’s overarching mission. In total, dual credentialed individuals delivered at least 174 presentations in 2023, including appearances at events such as the ABAI 2023 Annual Convention, ASHA 2023 Annual Convention, various state speech/language association conferences, various state applied behavior analysis association conferences, various webinars, podcasts, and even local news interviews. Additionally, many dual credentialed individuals contributed presentations at non-speech/non-behavior analytic conferences. For a detailed list of 2023 presentations, please visit: www.pinterest.com/SPABASIGofABAI/2023-slp-bcba-and-slpbcaba-presentations/. Nine dual credentialed individuals conducted workshops and were discussants/presenters at the ABAI 2024 Annual Convention. For a comprehensive list all 2024 presentations by dual credentialed individuals, please visit www.pinterest.com/SPABASIGofABAI/2024-slpbcba-slp-bcaba-presentations/.

Past Initiatives

  • SPABA SIG upheld its dedication to distributing ABAI’s Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Between Behavior Analysts and Speech-Language Pathologists resource document to professionals in both fields. We are thankful for ABAI’s leadership in creating this significant document and take pride in noting that one of our current SPABA Board members was among the four authors.
  • SPABA SIG maintained the presence of M.N. Hegde, PhD work on our website, showcasing his invaluable contributions to the speech-language field through a
    behavior-analytic perspective, which serves as a source
    of inspiration for all.
  • SPABA SIG continued to produce an end of year electronic newsletter as a paid member benefit.
  • In 2023, SPABA SIG continued to offer free, community of practice events (SCOPE). Topics for SCOPE included the Early Echoic Skills Assessment and Program Planner; Pseudoscience: A Discussion about Facilitated Communication, Rapid Prompting Method, and Spelling to Communicate; and Analyzing Popular Practice Approaches with Low-Quality Evidence: Gestalt Language Processing.
  • SPABA SIG continued to be a CE provider via the BACB. Those who attended any SCOPE were able to purchase a CE for a nominal fee.
  • 2023 SPABA SIG members were able to earn 2.0 CEs as part of their membership benefits.
  • SPABA SIG’s ongoing and consistent social media presence helped in dissemination across disciplines. Current Initiatives
  • The SPABA SIG will continue to offer CEs for attending SCOPEs in 2024.
  • The SPABA SIG is hopeful that we can offer our inaugural conference in the fall of 2024.
  • The SPABA SIG will continue to be regularly active via our Facebook group, Facebook page, as well as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest accounts and our LinkedIn page.
  • SPABA SIG has been working to become a non-profit organization in 2024.
    Future Initiatives
  • The SPABA Board of Directors is looking forward to expanding our membership through various initiatives, social media and increasing member participation within our committees.
  • Continue disseminating behavior analytic information to ASHA members through the ASHA community forum listserv and to US and international speech pathologists via various speech/language Facebook groups as well as presenting at speech/language conferences and conventions.
  • Continue disseminating speech-language information to ABAI members and BACB certified individuals via various behavior-analytic Facebook groups and listservs as well as presenting at ABA conferences and conventions.
  • Continue disseminating interprofessional collaboration information across related disciplines and fields to maximize outcomes for shared consumers of our services. This collaboration has strong benefits and enhances communication between our related professions.
  • SPABA SIG would like to complete several projects over the year to support our members:

Develop web-based tutorials and in-person courses to disseminate information regarding a behavioral approach to the study and treatment of speech, language, communication and feeding disorders in children and adults.

Work with the Verbal Behavior SIG and Behavioral Gerontology SIG on joint programs and initiatives. The success of these initiatives hinges on greater financial backing from our members. We invite you to consider contributing your expertise or services, making financial donations, or offering committee support. With your assistance, we can effectively address the needs of our membership and successfully fulfill our planned activities.

If you are interested in learning more about the SPABA SIG, wish to volunteer to sit on a committee, or assist with a specific project, please visit us at www.behavioralspeech.com and join or follow us on social media:

Facebook Group: SPABA.SIG
Facebook Page: SPABASIGofABAI
X (formerly Twitter): SPABASIG
Instagram: SPABASIG
LinkedIn: speech-pathology-applied-behavior-analysisspecial-
LinkTree: linktr.ee/spabasig

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