Four Corners ABA

By Nicole L. Bank
The mission of Four Corners ABA (4CABA) is to promote the science of behavior and evidence-based technologies derived from the basic science in the Four Corners region of the US (Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico). Four Corners ABA provides behavior analysts in the Four Corners region with an intellectual home. For example, past president Anne Denning BCBA (Consultants for Children) organized the 15th Annual Conference in Arizona April 8-9, 2022.
The annual spring conference was held at the beautiful Casino Del Sol in Tucson, Arizona. Invited speakers included John Umbreit (University of Arizona), Katherine Brown (Utah State University), Anne Kupfer (Arizona State University), Jeff Kupfer (University of Colorado- Denver), Sydney Rice (University of Arizona), Megan Kirby (University of South Florida), Brennan Armshaw (University of North Texas), Federico Sanabria (Arizona State University), and Rebecca Hartzell (University of Arizona). The post-conference workshop was provided by Andrew Gardner and Chelsea Carr (University of Arizona). For more information about conferences, go to
An election for board member positions was held at the Annual Conference. All full members are invited to run for a leadership position and help the organization meet the mission. This spring a new president-elect, secretary, board member and student member were elected. Congratulations to all new Board Members!