Philadelphia Metropolitan ABA

By Art Dowdy, Amanda Guld Fisher, Beth Rosenwasser, & Jessica Kendorski
The Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA) is the regional chapter of the Philadelphia and surrounding areas. The objective of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA) is to provide continuing education and networking for behavior scientists in an informal setting that has the atmosphere of a social gathering. Another primary goal of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis is to increase cohesiveness among local behavior analysts who might otherwise be isolated as a result of working in diverse settings with service providers and researchers who are not behavior analytic, as a number of our members are the only behavior analysts at their places of employment. Our email list serve provides announcements on local PMABA events including workshops, conferences, expert speaker events as well as employment opportunities and recent legislative or advocacy issues relevant to local behavior analysts.
The PMABA chapter seeks to better serve as a scientific and professional reference and networking group for its members. This past year we were fortunate to have expert speakers share their behavior analytic knowledge with PMABA. The phenomenal group of expert speakers included Drs. Holly Gover, Dithu Rajaraman, Joshua Jessel, Jennifer Wade, Yukiko Washio, Shea Lemley, and Rachel Cagliani. PMABA chapter is led by the following executive council members: Art Dowdy Ph.D., BCBA-D, president; Amanda Guld Fisher Ph.D., BCBA-D, past president; Beth Rosenwasser Ph.D., BCBA-D, information officer; and Jessica Kendorski, Secretary Ph.D., BCBA-D. We are always looking for members interested in getting involved in the organization by joining or, paraphs, taking on a leadership position. Please contact us using the email address provided above if you are interested.
Notably, PMABA is involved in supporting the ABA in PA initiative to support the proposed bill to license behavior analysts in Pennsylvania. PMABA has issued a formal letter of support for the bill, members of the board have advocated with legislators and helped to edit the bill language. We also held a joint CEU event between the ABA in PA initiative and PMABA about the licensure act and ethical issues.
Though Black Scorpion Society meetings, originally facilitated by Dr. Phil Hineline has slowed some due to the pandemic. Our goal is to begin Black Scorpion meetings again in the upcoming year. These events consist of local behavior analysts who gather and discuss behavior science and journal articles at a local watering hole—only a few things in life are more fun! Most often a discussant leads the conversation who often selects an article which aimed to satisfy our cravings for fun and intellectual conceptual debates and discussions. Former discussant leaders have included Dr. Phil Hineline, Dr. Don Hantula, and Dr. Saul Axelrod among others on a wide array of topics from consumer choice to the double agent robot procedure to deviancy training, and the future of behavior analysis.
PMABA ( acts as a resource for local behavior analysts providing membership information, local events, and other important information. We added an online payment option for membership and CEUs. We plan to hold a membership drive in the fall and are planning future CEU events as well.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the PMABA chapter should visit our website for membership information and contact Beth Rosenwasser at to be added to our email listserv to receive information about upcoming events, job opportunities, and other local behavior analytic information. Also please like our Facebook page by searching PMABA where we post all upcoming events.