Sociedad Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta

By Rosalinda Arroyo
The Mexican Society for Behavior Analysis (MSBA) is a non-profit organization established in 1975 whose purposes were a) disseminating behavior analysis among psychologist and other disciplines; b) establishing links with similar associations in Mexico and foreign countries; c) advising institutions and associations regarding behavior analysis issues; d) publishing the Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis; and e) organizing seminars, scientific events, and annual meetings, promoting communication among behavior analysts in Mexico.
Therefore, one of the main activities is its annual congress; last edition, the XXXII Mexican Congress of Behavior Analysis, was held in Sonora, Hermosillo, from October 18 to 20, 2023. This congress returned to the northern part of the country after more than 20 years. Gladly, the congress was very successful, with 370 registered attendees, highlighting the fact that there was substantial student participation and interest: more than 200 undergraduate students attended the activities that included five keynote lectures, ten guest lectures, 23 symposia, and 4 poster sessions.
Like every year, Trajectory Awards were given, in this occasion to Dr. Guadalupe Mares Cárdenas in the Experimental Behavior Analysis category and Dr. María de Lourdes Rodríguez Campuzano in the Applied Behavior Analysis category.
As a way of encouraging student enrollment, the 5th Behavioral Analysis Thesis Contest was held, which receives more and more applicants every year; for this edition, even the postgraduate category had to be separated into masters and doctorate submissions given the amount of applicants.
We also announce that the chair committee has been re-elected for a second term, 2024–2025: Rosalinda Arroyo (President), Felipe Patron (Secretary), and Juan Carlos Romero (Treasurer), who will gladly continue their efforts to disseminate and strengthen the analysis of behavior in Mexico, developing regional networks to take advantage of the wide spread of behavioral analysts of our country. Additionally, we had the first meeting of the Special Group of Women in Behavior Analysis (GEMAC).
This group’s main objective is to promote, develop, and disseminate the knowledge and research conducted by Mexican women in behavior analysis, as well as to highlight the role and leadership of women and to serve as a link between young students and recognized professionals in the field.
The Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (MJBA), which this Society edits, welcomed our new General Editor, Dr. Mario Serrano Vargas for the 2024–2027 period, who will soon implement new strategies to maintain and improve the visibility and relevance of the journal. Therefore, we invite you to consult it and to send your research papers to
Finaly, given that part of the commitments of the chair committee led by Dr. Rosalinda Arroyo is to hold the congress in places where there is little representation of behavior analysis in our country, our next congress will be held in the city of Merida, Yucatan, from September 11 to 13, 2024, we hope you can join us. For more information about these projects visit our web page: