Taiwan ABA

By Kuo Shu Fen
In 2023, the Taiwan Association of Behavior Analysis (TABA) still continue to hold ABA lectures to promote behavioral science to therapists, parents, special education teachers, staff of private institutions, etc. Events were held this year include the 2023 Annual Conference and five lectures, and each of which was funded by the K–12 Education Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Due to Covid-19, all lectures were held online.
As of the end of 2023, there are 49 certified analysts in Taiwan (including 7 BCBA-D, 26 BCBA, and 16 BCaBA). Since professionals in Taiwan are no longer able to apply for the behavior analysis license of BACB, TABA will continue to hold more ABA lectures or seminars, as well as provide continuing education credits for certified behavior analysts. Through different service methods, we can meet the needs of relevant professionals and parents, and also make the promotion of behavioral science more diverse. The following are the events held in 2023:
- The Annual Conference was held on May 6-7, 2023. The theme was “Research Trends and Clinical Practice of ABA Intervention in Behavioral Problems.” We invited three speakers: 1) Dr. James King, BCBA-D, Project Director of the ABA Department of SEEK Education (BCBA-D), the topic of the lecture is “The Latest Trend of Behavioral Problem Intervention,” 2) Wan-chen Lin, Special Education Teacher, the topic of the lecture is “Case Study of Behavioral Function Analysis and Intervention Plan in Preschool Integrated Environment,” 3) Dr. Grace Ho (BCBA-D), the topic of the lecture is “Application of Ethical Principles in ABA Center Intervention.” A total of 35 people participated in this event, including parents, special education teachers, therapists in related fields, and certified behavior analysts.
- During January to June 2023, TABA held three online lectures, with a total of 83 participants. The topics were as follows: “Cultivating Reading Habits for Special Children,” “Make full use of learning strategies – children will no longer get stuck in learning,” “Improve and enhance the chatting skills of autistic children.”
- During July to December 2023, TABA held two online lectures, with a total of 55 participants. The topics were “How Do I Play with My Children,” and “Practical Application of Behavioral Principles-How to teach adults of autism.”
- Starting from September 2021, in order to spread more
certified behavior analysts to attach reference materials about ABA, TABA began to invite senior BCBA to introduce and recommend news, literature and review literature about ABA research or practice in Chinese every month. We are very grateful to SEEK for their strong support. In this way, we encourage people to select and find papers more easily. This part will continue in 2024.
In 2024, TABA will continue to hold online ABA lectures, and also design a series of workshops and CE courses (online/face-to-face) about problem behaviors intervention that most people are most interested in the questionnaire. Systematic training will help more parents and teachers effectively deal with client’s problematic behaviors. We will also continue to fulfill our mission to disseminate behavior analysis knowledge to professionals and parents, promote science in Taiwan, and invite more members and professionals to join us.