By Melissa Tice Martin

The Delaware Association for Behavior Analysis (DEABA) was established as an affiliate chapter of ABAI in 2011. The Delaware Association for Behavior Analysis was created with the mission to promote the science, understanding, and practice of behavior analysis. Specifically, the organization shall:
(a) Serve as a scientific and professional reference and networking group for its members.
(b) Disseminate information to promote its mission to a
wider audience.
(c) Organize an annual business meeting to provide a forum for discussion of the affairs of the chapter.

Current Board Members of DEABA consist of:
President Melissa Tice Martin, M.S., BCBA
Vice-President Diliana Henry, M.S., BCBA, MPA
Treasurer Victoria Hetrick, M.A., BCBA, LPCMH
Secretary Sarah D’Amico, M.S., BCBA
Membership Director Dafne Carnright, M.S., BCBA, LPCMH
Member-at-Large Alia Bonner El, M.Ed., BCBA, LBS, LBA
Member-at-Large Josefien O’Regan, M.A., BCBA

Membership is open to all persons interested in or actively engaged in behavior analysis. Being a DEABA member ensures timely access to news about upcoming events, CEs, and initiatives. DEABA offers an opportunity for connection and collaboration with behavior analytic colleagues across the state. Our members bring a wide range of experience and expertise to the ABA community and work as a collective voice for the profession of behavior analysis. As an affiliate chapter of ABAI, DEABA members are able to obtain discounts on ABAI annual conference registration by requesting a letter from the chapter verifying proof of membership.
Membership is annual by the calendar year starting September 1st. Anyone wishing to become a member must submit a completed application form and pay the annual membership dues:

Full Member
Those certified as a BCBA-D, BCBA, BCaBA, RBT, Licensed Behavior Analysts, or a professional in a discipline directly related to behavior analysis whose professional commitment includes teaching, research, and / or practice in behavior analysis may apply for membership in this category. Full members may vote on membership decisions of the chapter. Annual dues are $35.

Affiliate Member
Individuals evidencing an interest in the discipline of behavior analysis, but without formal training, licensure, or credential (e.g., students, parents, community providers, educators, etc.) may apply for membership in this category. Affiliate members may not vote on membership decisions of the chapter. Annual dues are $20.

In 2024, DEABA board representatives participated in ABAI chapter training opportunities online. DEABA board representatives and members attended the ABAI Annual Convention in Philadelphia. A poster session and a social gathering was held to promote the chapter and to build interest in the organization. Planning for a conference to be held in Delaware is ongoing. In 2023, board representatives attended chapter trainings online in March and attended the ABAI Annual Convention in Denver, Colorado in May.

Activities for 2023–2024
The DEABA board members met quarterly during 2023–2024 to conduct business and plan for events and activities.

In March 2023, DEABA hosted a virtual continuing education event, “Practical Functional Assessment and Skill-Based Treatment”, presented by Lindsay Anderson, BCBA, Level 5 PFASBT.

DEABA board representatives also acknowledged the World Behavior Analysis Day celebrations on the DEABA Facebook page in 2023 and 2024. Ideas on ways to celebrate the science and profession were posted, including spreading awareness, attending conferences and workshops, and participating in graphing self-monitoring data for a day.

In July of 2023, DEABA board members issued a Call to Action to membership and provided input to the Delaware Department of Education’s (DEDOE) Professional Standards Board during a public comment period regarding the creation of a mechanism to regulate the credentials of BCBAs, QBAs, BCaBAs, and QASP-S who are employed in Delaware schools. Beginning in the 2023–2024 school year, behavior analytic providers will be required by DEDOE to possess a “Standard Certificate” as an Educational Specialist, obtained through, and monitored by DE DOE’s Professional Standards Board, in order to ensure that those representing themselves as BCBAs, QBAs, BCaBAs, and QASP-S have active and verifiable certificant status with the BACB and/or QABA.

DEABA maintained the website and made enhancements to ensure a smooth application and payment process for new and renewing members.

DEABA’s by-laws were revised over 2023–2024 to better align with the ABAI suggested template, including changes to officer composition, officer duties, member categories, and election procedures. The board also established standing committees and voted to adopt ABAI’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy statement.

Elections were held in the Fall of 2023 and the transition process was supported by outgoing members Kaori Nepo, M.S., BCBA-D, Shannon Kazmerick, M.S, BCBA, and Nicole Gouge, M.S., BCBA, who were each acknowledged for their commitment and service. Kaori Nepo, BCBA-D, received special recognition for her leadership and contribution to the DEABA community from 2011–2023.

DEABA continues to explore effective ways to promote behavior analysis and to increase the number of active members, as well as the benefits offered to our membership, through social media, meetings, social opportunities, interest surveys, and CE events.

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