Polish Society for Behavioral Psychology
By Bartlomiej Swebodzinski During 2022 Society continuously worked on the development of the Polish certification system (license) for behavior analysts....
By Bartlomiej Swebodzinski During 2022 Society continuously worked on the development of the Polish certification system (license) for behavior analysts....
By Pawel BakalarzPOLSKIE STOWARZYSZENIE TERAPII BEHAWIORALNEJ (Polish Association of Behavioral Therapy, PABT) was officially registered in 2002 as a formalization...
By Maria Teresa Echaus CojuangcoPhilippine ABA for the year 2023 was able to resume its activities and programs as the...
By Jamie Santana & Nancy Marchese 2022 was another record-breaking year for the Ontario Association for Behavior Analysis (ONTABA). The...
By Anne MacaskillThe New Zealand Association for Behavior Analysis (NZABA) is a community of people working, teaching, and researching Behavior...
By Maria PongoskiThe Manitoba Association for Behavior Analysis (MABA) is proud to be in its 18th year as an affiliated...
By Kenji Okuda The 40th annual convention was held fully online operated by the Japanese ABA office, from Sep. 25-30,...
By Paolo Moderato & Giovambattista Presti IESCUM (the Istituto Europeo per lo Studio del Comportamento Umano; http://www.iescum.org ) is, since...
By Jeremy Greenberg Hong Kong Association for Behavior Analysis has been affected by the pandemic over the last few years....